Food Can Sustainability

画面外的人在厨房里拿着一个空的铝制食品罐. 表明他们可能会把它拿下来回收,促进金属的可持续性

钢制食品罐在整个分销链中保护产品, ensuring goods reach consumers in peak condition. 通过保护口味和质量等关键特征, 食品可以促进品牌差异化并建立信任. Steel’s superior strength, 耐用性和阻隔性有助于减少浪费,支持健康, nutritious diets.

Consider these facts:

Combats food waste

  • 金属食品包装对氧气的侵入起着不可战胜的屏障作用, light and bacteria, 延长产品的保质期,防止产品过早变质.
  • Optimized sizes, 无论是适合家庭晚餐食谱或个人部分, help to reduce food waste by consumers.
  • 每年,全球生产的大约三分之一的粮食——大约1.3 billion metric tons — is lost or wasted. 
  • 食物浪费最终以未食用食物的形式浪费了我们四分之一的供水. That’s equal to U.S.$172 billion in wasted water. 
  • If food waste was considered a country, 它将成为全球第三大温室气体排放国, after only China and the U.S. 

Makes healthy foods more accessible

  • 罐头产品在收获后的几个小时内被采摘和包装,保持新鲜度和营养. Fresh produce, in contrast, loses nutrients from the moment it is picked, throughout transportation and refrigeration, until the moment of consumption.
  • 可靠的密封,所有类型的包装关闭锁在新鲜,不需要防腐剂, supporting organic and more natural, healthy foods.
  • 罐头食品的即食特性使忙碌的消费者能够快速准备营养食品.
  • 在美国,超过一半的成年人由于营养缺乏而患有与饮食有关的慢性疾病. 
  • 钢铁食品罐使水果和蔬菜这类重要食物更容易获得. In the U.S., for example, 食用罐头食品的消费者比普通美国人在饮食中含有更多的水果和蔬菜. 

Supports food safety

  • 由于蒸煮的高温,金属食品包装有着前所未有的食品安全记录, which effectively sterilizes the food in cans.
  • Cans offer 100% contamination protection, 这是一项重要的责任,因为据报道,食源性疾病要花费美国人15美元.6 billion annually. 
  • 防篡改和防篡改功能表明,当一个包装已被破坏,并帮助消费者对其食品的质量和安全感到信心.

Helps preserve the environment, today and tomorrow

  • 75% of all steel ever produced in still in use today. 
  • 回收一个钢铁食品可以节省足够的能量,可以点亮一个10瓦的LED灯泡超过24小时. 
  • Through recycling, 钢铁行业每年节省的能源足以满足1800多万户家庭的用电需求.  
  • A single ton of steel recycled conserves 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal and 120 pounds of limestone. 
  • 金属食品罐很容易堆叠,一卡车可以装运更多的食品罐, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Once in the store, 不像冷冻和冷藏产品需要能源密集的冷链配送, 货架稳定的罐头不需要恒定的电源来保持质量和安全.


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